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Cannabis Suppositories, Yes - You Heard Us.

Remember way back in 2012 when we received an amazing story about a patient who successfully withdrew from Morphine wih the use of daily medicinal cannabis dosing?  /opiate-withdrawal/ Well we have another success story you've got the hear!

Dr. Paula-Noel Macfie was diagnosed with M.S. (Multiple Sclerosis) in 2001 and has found a new way to manage her pain with the use of cannabis. Watch this video to see exactly what she does to make the perfect pain management suppository. 

Cannabis Cures Cancer: 0:42 mark

[Exerpt] My brother, who passed away about 5 years ago, died of rectal and liver cancer. It's kind of always been with me. I found a recipe, and at literally 2 in the morning I used a straw, I tried to figure out what I could use for a mold, and I happened to have some of the oil. In 2 days everything was completely gone. Everything was completely healed, there were no hemorroids, there was no fissure, it was sort of my epiphany moment. Like, "Oh my gosh, if this can do this for me, what can this do for all these people I know that are suffering?"

See the recipe at the 12 second mark

To get right to the cooking, jump to 1:20


About Dr. Paula-Noel Macfie:

I am a proud mama of two daughters and a philosopher who loves research. I spent several years with indigenous elders and healers developing a psychological process for western mind decolonization called “Remembering Our Ancestors”. My passions are dark leafy greens, backyard habitat, gardening and nutritional healing for multiple sclerosis.

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  1. backdoormedicine

    Aloha, since this article is written about me using my words without persmission - I will clarify some of your questions and misinformation. 1. The video is WRONG and I asked the producer to correct the typo. It's supposed to say CBD instead of CBC. It's just a typo. 2.Your mindset of what purpose you think THC has for a suppository and propaganda. If you actually heard the narratives of people using cannabis suppositories for various conditions including dying - you would have a greater understand of the superpower THC has when coupled with CBD. What you "think" THC does and has as a role in suppositories is incorrect. It's OKAY if the THC doesn't enter the bloodstream...because that's not the point of it BEING IN THE FORMULA. That's an excruciating western colonized mind approach to plant medicine - and specifically cannabis suppository research. 3. Monkey research in inhumane and invalid....a monkey is not a human. If you are going to try to justify and compare you are using a colonized western mind. 4. You did not consider decoloninzing research methodologies in your criticism of the approach and/or application plus its bio-availability relevance. 5. Did you consider contraindications for genetic mutations in your research and/or compare knowledge of cannabis suppositories and a person's inability to dysfunction in uptake and/or the ability to methylthylate? 6. Do you know about MTHFR c677t? do research that's not based on internet links, SPEAK with people who are sick, suffering and dying and in terminal pain who use them - and ASK INTELLIGENT QUESTIONS not based on internet research. Also none of this matters without a whole foods, plant based diet, oxygen (preferably hyperbaric) and adequate rest. And next time email me or ask me a question instead of making assumptions. Dia Dhuit, Paula-Noel Macfie, PhD Back Door Medicine, LLC

  2. mediumtroy

    Joe and Gray Wolf Hate to inform you that suppositories don't work for administration of THC without being bound to hemisuccinate. That's why they don't get you high, because THC doesn't enter your bloodstream. I've been doing a lot of suppository research because I think theres a lot of misconceptions being spread. I've gotten every doctor and site I've talked to to take down articles in support after seeing this info. Primary Sources "Disposition and bioavailability of various formulations of tetrahydrocannabinol in the rhesus monkey" "Rectal bioavailability of ?-9-tetrahydrocannabinol from the hemisuccinate ester in monkeys" Overview

  3. SPR-Team

    Good catch. All our conversations with Dr. Paula-Noel Macfie have been around the benefits of CBD oil, so I believe that was what she meant to say. I appreciate you contacting us with that clarification though.

  4. Liam

    At the beginning, when it lists ingredients, it states CBC (cannabichromene) which as far as I know is not that readily available as an extract from the majority of dispensaries. Then later, you clearly here her say "CBD oil". I just want to clarify which cannibinoid we are talking about in this recipe, since they are quite different, and one is readily available while the other isn't

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