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A Guide to Growing Cannabis Indoors - Beginners

Over the years, we've heard from so many of you out there who are wanting to get a hold of cannabis for the purpose of healing yourselves or loved ones, or just to feel relief from daily pain. We hear you, and we understand this desire to heal through natural means. We came across this video and wanted to share it with all of you in the hopes that it might answer some questions for you beginners out there, and get you on the right track to growing your own meds. 

Good luck in your growing endeavors!

Main Talking Points:

1- Grow Medium @ 0:53

2- Ventilation @ 4:15

3- Growth Stages @ 7:01

4- Cloning @ 11:55

5- Transplanting @ 13:22

6- Lighting @ 14:44

7- Harvest @ 21:18


Not sure what to do with the scraps once you've grown your beautiful plants? Use them to make Cannbuttons of course!

Recipe here

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This is the head cheese's account

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