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Grinning Reaper Dry Siever

Here is a little DIY project for harvesting high quality dry sieve kif rapidly. I got the idea for the conceptual, after seeing a Resin Reaper, but we built this out of junk parts and Roger, retired nuclear welder and skunk pharmer, whomped it up, so it turned out slick!

Like the mind of its designer, it is a relatively simple device and smaller than the Resin Reaper, but which works damn well, producing about ~10% primo quality kief by weight from frozen bud in 3 to 5 minutes, without making as big a mess.

The frozen material is placed on the screen and the vibrating nylon plate just floats on top of it and shakes.  The vibration is from a broken palm sander, that had a broken sandpaper clamping system, which we discarded.

The vibration on the horizontal plane, produces far more shear energy than a tumbler, and produces less fine plant material.

I have yet to try it with dry ice, but that will come next, along with a report on our acoustical dry sieving, and kif refinement projects.

The Grinning Reaper was built entirely from scrap, other than the 130 micron stainless screen that cost us $6.50 for the one sq/ft used and the foot pads. The frame is 304SS 1 1/2 X 1 1/2" square tubing, and the legs are 304SS angle iron.

We did have to add skirts to keep the material from bouncing up through the cracks between the vibrating plate and the screen, so as to keep down contamination.

For ya'll with more time and junk lying around than money, here is a do it yourself design that works damn well and can be adapted to materials at hand.  For instance, there is also no reason that the lower frame couldn't be made of wood.


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This is the head cheese's account

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  1. John

    Does the material take the full weight of the sander plate? It seems like it would be better if there were space between the nylon and the material so it could bounce and shake more, have you tried it this way before? Thanks for all the information on your site, it is very useful to me and probably a lot of people.

  2. SwiftySift

    Have you guys tested the quality of the THC? Or maybe upload a couple of macroshots. The color and chunks don't look too bad, but always more to the naked eye!

  3. Anybody have any neat ideas for kief extraction devices?

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