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Changes are Coming...




As you can see we have launched the Skunk Pharm Research new site.  One point that we need to make clear is that all former users will need to re-sign up to share comments and to have access to new features on the site that are coming soon. We apologize for this slight inconvenience. We did our best to preserve all of the wonderful historical comments, but to grow the site and its offerings we had to move away from an old, outdated, and proprietary web platform. The new platform will also have the ability to add and grow users and is endlessly customizable for us to continue to add features. The last site had user limitation and if too many people were using the site, you may have noticed it slow or crash. This new site shouldn’t have those issues in the future. We are still working through some of the bugs on our soft launch of the new site, so we would like to ask you for your assistance, if you see something….say something. We will do our best to fix it in a timely manner.



Keep checking back with us too. Soon we will be adding new content from other contributors. Additionally, we are close to launching a community buy, sell, and help section, similar to Craigslist marketplace. We are in the process of developing Skunk Pharm Research merchandise that so many of you have asked us about, but more on that soon.



 We appreciate your continued support, 


SPR Team


About The Author

Profile photo of skunkpharmresearch

This is the head cheese's account

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