Hi Everyone,
About a month or so ago, Graywolf asked me to write an article on the history of cannabis extraction, as I witnessed it. He also asked me what I thought the future of cannabinoid chemistry might be. Well …. Thanks a bunch Graywolf! Keep me up thinking an extra hour every night for a month contemplating what the hell might be next. Not actually complaining, mind you. I do love it!
My first thoughts on the future was that the future is here, the future is now, we done done it all already. When the basement Alchemist can perform the same experiments and procedures that previously only happened in university laboratories, or were carried out by government-funded scientists in Israel or Spain or at Harvard, we have come a long way. There’s not much that our intrepid Alchemists have not figured out. (Note that I left out those so-called researchers at University of Mississippi government “farm”. They have been about as useful in advancing the science as … you supply the metaphor).
But then, something dawned on me that hit me pretty hard. There is a massive universe of unexplored cannabinoid chemistry out there that may eventually yield incredible medicines and euphoriants. It is likely a vast untapped mine of chemical wonders, and right now it is being abused, neglected, prostituted, besmirched, and possibly worse. In fact, the way that this vast potential resource of wonderfulness is currently being treated will most likely lead to disaster. Unless some young brave Alchemists step up and develop the research as it should be.
What the hell am I talking about? Synthetic cannabinoids! Spice! K-2! That horrible crap that the media has labeled as “synthetic marijuana” that makes big news as people freak out on unknown chemical mixtures that may or may not actually contain some synthetic cannabinoids.
Read more at Article: "D Gold, Author of Cannabis Alchemy, 1971, Shares Cannabis Extraction History Unfolding!"