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DIY-Induction Heating a Titanium Nail

Hee, hee, hee, sometimes our readers pass on something that is just too good not to share.  In this case, a DIY induction heating system for Titanium nails, that is handy and portable. Look what that certain rascally hard boiled frog has been up to: /diy-induction-heating-your-titanium-nail/ GW

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This is the head cheese's account

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  1. redturtle984

    Nicely done! Thank you for sharing this. I have a short vid added to my vimeo lib to share sort of in this same idea but more of a fractioning thing. Very potent high. Thank you Skunkpharm for what you do. Your site has become quoted in Wikipedia! Grats! I put in a request to have the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy updated (mine is 713 editions outdated) to include SkunkPharmResearch in the list of important improabilities as well, but I checked the wrong box on the form and got a box of Twinkees instead. What are the odds of that???

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