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Hot vs. Cold Glycerin Extraction



Wow.  These questions just get better and better! Thanks again Pharmers for all your support.  We enjoy hearing from you and sharing your questions and experiences with the Pharmer’s community.



Hi fella(s),


First let me thank you for the wealth of information you have available on your website. I find it very helpful especially the glycerin extraction part, which is the reason I am contacting you. I have read your instruction on how to create glycerin tincture and I have made a very small test batch of cold extract a couple of days ago (2 months to go) and I want to try and make hot extraction as well but I have a couple of questions.  I have noticed that in one of the comments in your glycerin extraction instructions page (/glycerin-extraction/), the poster claims that hot glycerin extracts have a limited shelf life and that the potency starts degrading after a few weeks.


Is this information correct?

Does it really degrade over time?

And if that is the case, is it also the case for cold extracts?

Or, are cold extracts not affected by this?

And do you know the reason why it degrades? (if it does)


That's all I wanted to ask.

Many, MANY thanks for your help and all the great information already  available on your website. Hope to hear from you soon.





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