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Pharmer's Question on Vaping VG Tincture

Hi there. First of all I wanted to say that I'm really thankful to u guys for all ur awesome research and documentation. I've followed ur guides several times for making tinctures. I appreciate that u guys are so knowledgeable and exacting. Which is why I'm contacting u now. I hope u can give me some good advice on this question:


Basically, I've been hobby making cannabis extracts with food grade ethanol 190 proof, and recently tried with 100% organic VG.


I don't have any lab equipment, and just use household items here.

I recently got an e vape, and decided I would like to make my own herbal extracts and flavors for it, specifically cannabis extracts.  I figured I could just make an ethanol extract and then mix with VG and evaporate out the ethanol.  


But then I've been seeing a lot of info on the web of people saying it's dangerous to make at home e juice and can cause lipid pneumonia since it's not safe to vape the plants natural waxes and oils which get extracted. However, it's not clear to me if this stuff is fact or just over paranoia.


I was wondering if u guys know of any extensive studies or if it's definitely safe to make my own herbal/cannabis extracts using either ethanol, or just using VG, and if it's safe then to vape it, even if I don't have any special super thin filters (just regular coffee ones, or standard silk screen), and I don't have a distiller.  


Would u say it's still possible and safe to do? Also do u think it's possible to do the same with tobacco to get a light nicotine extract for vaping. I know it won't be strong, but a light dose is great too. I know people recommend using PG for extraction but I want to steer clear of that, since it's not organic, and I don't trust vaping something like that, especially since it's too new to have been extensively studied yet the long term effects of PG. 


Looking forward to hearing what u have to say.  I really respect ur opinion.  Thanks!

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