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Attacks on Instagram

Wowza, imagine my surprise when someone forwarded me Instagrams from Summit Research, where two brothers and a sister presented as gospel, things about Skunk Pharm Research that taint so. Specifically that us’n Skunk Pharmers filed Chapter 11, and took a lot of people’s money without delivering, as well as other malicious charges. Taint so of course, and as you would expect, our attackers are hiding behind avatars. Doesn’t matter as it so happens, between the two I recognize and the two Joe recognizes, we know exactly who all three are. Because I believe truth is not only shorter than fiction, and that it puts things in perspective, I challenge ya’ll three misguided brothers and sisters to discussing this in public, using our correct names. Further discussion of the details at: /attacks-on-instagram/

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This is the head cheese's account

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